"A mystical forest with towering, ancient trees and glowing, enchanted mushrooms. In the foreground, a wise old sorcerer in a flowing purple robe is casting a spell with an ornate staff. The sorcerer’s face is hidden in shadow, but his eyes glow faintly. A glowing stream meanders through the scene, reflecting the ethereal light coming from the mushrooms. Mist rises from the ground, and the atmosphere is slightly foggy with a soft, magical glow. The composition focuses on the sorcerer at the center, with the forest and glowing flora surrounding him. Use a high-contrast, cinematic style with rich colors and a touch of dark fantasy realism. "
The latest printing techniques provide bright and crisp colors matching your craziest designs
The puzzle comes in a paper box with your artwork printed on the top
Choose between 110, 252, 500 or 1014 high-quality chipboard pieces with vibrant sublimated print
Full-color decoration on one side with laminated finish